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Quality Assurance Lifecycles

Software quality assurance needs to have an outline of the activities and processes that are required in the development of a software product or system. This outline is usually referred to as a Software Lifecycle Model and is the basis of software quality management for the product. Software quality standards are usually defined in terms of these lifecycle models. The main software lifecycle models are: Waterfall, V-model, Evolutionary and Boehm Spiral.

There is no best software lifecycle model, the choice of suitable lifecycle essentially depends on the size of the project, the difficulty in defining requirements, the type of software and the use of the system. The model used is often decided by the customer.

In general the Waterfall or V models can be used for projects where the requirements are well known at the start of the project, the evolutionary model for relatively small projects and the spiral model for large projects when only the overall concept is known.

Optimal Solutions welcomes enquiries on Software Quality Assurance, and would be pleased to provide consultancy tailored to your requirements. You can get in touch by sending a message from our Contact Us page, or by calling us on the number below.

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